Ep 62: Isla De Munecas

17 miles south of Mexico City is a small island, no larger than a football field, that has been collecting dolls since the 1950s. Isla De Munecas actually translates into Doll Island and is called The Island of the Dolls by English speaking people. Don Julian Santana Barrera claimed to have witnessed a small girl drown in the canal that surrounds the island and depending on which version you hear, it’s either to appease the little girl’s spirit, protect the little girl from demons in the after life, or honor her. Listen in on the 62nd episode of Legend as Samm and Amy discuss possible theories as to why Don Julian ended up amassing over 1,000 dolls on this island before his tragic and somewhat mysterious death in 2001. Is the island evil or is it simply a shrine created for a life lost too soon? Let us know what you think and don’t forget to submit your stories at our email thisislegendpod@gmail.com or on our website, https://www.thisislegendpod.com/contact 

Don Julian Santana Barrera

The exterior of the shed that holds the original doll and a small shrine to Don Julian.

Don Julian’s favorite doll “Agustinita” or “Agustina”.

Zak Bagans at The Island of the Dolls.

The Medium Sabrinah who advised Zak Bagans NOT to bring Harold the Doll to the island.

Harold the Doll


https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/la-isla-de-las-munecas “La Isla de las Munecas [Island of the Dolls]”

https://isladelasmunecas.com/ “The Island Of the Dolls”

https://www.discovery.com/exploration/the-island-of-the-dolls-has-a-murky-and-terrifying-history “The Island of the Dolls Has a Murky and Terrifying History”

https://nypost.com/2021/10/30/real-story-behind-haunted-island-of-the-dolls-in-mexico/ “Real story behind ‘haunted’ Island of the Dolls in Mexico”

https://homebay.com/how-big-is-an-acre/ “How Big Is an Acre of Land?”

https://oddfeed.net/island-of-the-dead-dolls/ “The Grim Tale of The Island of the Dead Dolls”

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-10-30/spooky-story-behind-the-mexican-island-of-dolls/101594254#:~:text=Don%20Juli%C3%A1n%20Santana%20died%20of,and%20plaque%20marks%20the%20spot “The spooky story behind the Mexican Island of Dolls bring chills to those who visit”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mx8JkGHaGUI “3 Horrifying Cases of Ghosts and Demons”

https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/unusual-place-of-the-month-the-island-of-dolls/ “UNUSUAL PLACE OF THE MONTH: THE ISLAND OF THE DOLLS”

https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2022/10/the-haunting-story-of-the-man-who-built-the-island-of-dolls-723402 “The haunting story of the man who built the Island of Dolls”


Ep 63: The Mizpah Hotel


Ep 61: Fresno Nightcrawlers